Version: 0.5

This is the REST API of the SEAL Operator system. It is used by the graphical front-end and may also be used for integration purposes. The API can be used to access the SERVICES installed with SEAL Operator in order to manage DOCUMENTS in REPOSITORIES, organize documents in LISTS and work with the TASKS provided by the services. The API requires OAuth2/OIDC authentication. See the SEAL Operator Integrators Guide for details.



Tag: Services

Operation Description
GET /services

Get list of available services

GET /services/{sid}

Retrieve service metadata

Tag: Repositories

Operation Description
POST /repo/inactives

Test for documents not actively used in a task

GET /services/{sid}/repo

Access the document repository within a service

POST /services/{sid}/repo

Create new entry in the root collection of the repository.

POST /services/{sid}/repo/command

Launch a repository command

GET /services/{sid}/repo/command/{cid}

Retrieve a command's status

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Retrieve metadata of a repository entry (document or collection).

PUT /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Replace repository entry metadata

POST /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Create a new entry in a collection

DELETE /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Delete the entry

PATCH /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Update repository entry metadata (partial)

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/children

Access children of a collection

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Retrieve document binary content

PUT /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Create or update document binary content

DELETE /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Delete document binary content

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/preview

Retrieve preview of a document's binary content

Tag: Tasks

Operation Description
GET /tasks

Retrieve meta-collection of all tasks managed by all services.

GET /services/{sid}/tasks

Access collection of tasks managed by the service.

POST /services/{sid}/tasks

Create a new task

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Retrieve metadata of a task.

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Replace task metadata

DELETE /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Delete a task

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Update task metadata (partial)

POST /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/action

Trigger an action on a task

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Retrieve list of task input items

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Replace input list metadata

POST /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Append a new item to the input list of the task

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Update input list metadata (partial)

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Retrieve task item details

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Replace a task input list item

DELETE /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Delete a task input list item

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Update a task input list item (partial)

GET /tasks/{tid}/input/{id}/content

Retrieve input document content

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/output

Access list of task output items

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/output/{id}

Retrieve task output list item details

Tag: Lists

Operation Description
GET /lists

Access collection of available Lists

POST /lists

Create new list

GET /lists/{lid}

Retrieve list metadata

PUT /lists/{lid}

Replace list metadata

DELETE /lists/{lid}

Delete list

PATCH /lists/{lid}

Update list metadata (partial)

GET /lists/{lid}/items

Get list items

POST /lists/{lid}/items

Appended an item to the list

GET /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Retrieve list item metadata

PUT /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Replace a list item

DELETE /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Delete a list item

PATCH /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Update list item (partial)

Tag: Panels

Operation Description
GET /ui

Retrieve list of default UI panels available to the user.

GET /ui/{pid}

Retrieve the default configuration of a UI panel

GET /panels

Retrieve list of UI panels available to the current user

POST /panels

Create a new panel and save its configuration.

GET /panels/{pid}

Retrieve a specific panel configuration

PUT /panels/{pid}

Updates a saved panel configuration

DELETE /panels/{pid}

Delete a stored panel configuration

Tag: Configuration

Operation Description
GET /config

Access a configuration item or path

PUT /config

Store a configuration item

DELETE /config

Delete a configuration item

Tag: Messages

Operation Description
GET /messages

Access the users messages

POST /messages

Create new message entry.

PATCH /messages/{uuid}

Update a message

Tag: Functions

Operation Description
GET /services/{sid}/function

List connector-specific functions

POST /services/{sid}/function/{fid}

Access a service-specific function

Tag: Sessions

Operation Description
GET /sessions

Get session information

Tag: Auth

Operation Description
GET /auth

Get information about identity provider confguration


Get information about identity provider confguration

GET /auth

Tags: Auth

Get information about identity provider confguration

200 OK

OK, return object with idp configuration

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

Delete a configuration item

DELETE /config

Tags: Configuration

Deletes a single ConfigItem at the given path or all ConfigItems in the whole tree below if 'path' does not point to a leaf item.



query object
200 OK

OK, configuration deleted.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. User lacks access rights to change configuration. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error'

404 Not Found

The ConfigItem was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error

Access a configuration item or path

GET /config

Tags: Configuration

Use this route to browse the configuration. Configuration is structured unix file-system like, in a path/to/item way. Use path/to/item as 'path' parameter to access a specific item or together with 'keys' parameter for retrieving only keys.



query object

Return an array of strings containing all recursively fetched keys below the given 'path'. Without or an empty 'path' all available keys are returned.

Example response:

query object
200 OK

OK, configuration items returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The ConfigItem was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

Store a configuration item

PUT /config

Tags: Configuration

Stores the ConfigItem in the request body at the given path.



query object
200 OK

OK, configuration stored.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. User lacks access rights to change configuration. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error'

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

Access collection of available Lists

GET /lists

Tags: Lists

This is the collection of Lists of the authenticated user. Use metadata property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries and the offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned.


Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=date,-name'

query object

Include information about collection members.

  • "items": Include item data
  • "permissions": User access rights on each list
  • "metadata": Return list of lists metadata. Example:
    exportTypes: [{
    name: 'csv',
    description: 'Export a CSV file',
    mimeType: 'text/csv'
    importTypes: [{
    name: 'csv',
    description: 'Import a CSV file',
    mimeType: 'text/csv'
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of lists is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

No lists available

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create new list

POST /lists

Tags: Lists

Creates a new entry in the list of lists. The Content-Type HTTP header defines the format of the import data. Default is JSON. If a URL is given in query as parameter href, the list to import is retrieved from that URL.


URL of the list to add. Example: http://somehost:3456/path/to/mylist.csv

query object
200 OK

OK, list created. List metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete list

DELETE /lists/{lid}

Tags: Lists

Deletes the list, including all its items (but keep the documents referred to by the items).


ID of the list to delete

path object
204 No Content

OK, list removed.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list UUID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve list metadata

GET /lists/{lid}

Tags: Lists

This is the root record for a given list. It contains list-level metadata. Use the 'embed' parameter to include information about sub-resource like items or access rights. The client controls the exported data format with the Accept HTTP header field. Default is JSON.


ID of the list.

path object

Include information about collection members or sub-resources.

  • "items": Include item data
  • "permissions": Include user access rights for the current user.
query object
200 OK

OK, metadata is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list UUID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update list metadata (partial)

PATCH /lists/{lid}

Tags: Lists

Updates or adds part of the list metadata. Only given metadata will be replaced or added, no metadata will be removed. Note that only List metadata can be updated; internal auto-generated metadata (links, embedded), if present, are ignored.


ID of the list

path object
200 OK

OK, document list updated. New metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace list metadata

PUT /lists/{lid}

Tags: Lists

This will completely replace the existing list metadata (if any) by the given metadata. Note that only list metadata itself can be updated. Internal auto-generated metadata (links; embedded), if present, are ignored.


ID of the list.

path object
200 OK

OK, document list updated. New metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Get list items

GET /lists/{lid}/items

Tags: Lists

This is the collection of items currently in the list. For performance reasons, only references are returned by default. Use metadata property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries and the offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned.


ID of the list.

path object

Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=href,-index'

query object

Sub-resources to include in the response.

  • "items": Include metadata for each list item
  • "permissions": Include user access rights
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of list items is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

List not found or no list items present

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Appended an item to the list

POST /lists/{lid}/items

Tags: Lists

Lists are ordered sets, items have consecutive indices (0..n). POSTing to this route will append a new item to the list (at the end)


ID of the list.

path object

Relative URL of the document instance to add to the list

query object
200 OK

OK, new item has been added to the list.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete a list item

DELETE /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Tags: Lists

Deletes an entry from a list. Only the list entry is removed, not the document. Note that id is NOT the index of an item in the list. The index is part of item metadata.


ID of the list

path object

ID of the item to delete

path object
204 No Content

OK, list item removed.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list or list item UUID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve list item metadata

GET /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Tags: Lists

Get metadata record of a list item. Note that the 'id' is NOT the index, which is part of item metadata, but the UUID.


ID of the list.

path object

ID of the list item

path object
200 OK

OK, list item data is returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list or list item uuid was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update list item (partial)

PATCH /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Tags: Lists

Update the metadata record of the current list item, adding missing entries but removing nothing. Note that the ID is NOT the index of the item in the list. The index is part of item metadata.


ID of the list.

path object

ID of the element.

path object

Relative URL of document to link. This is a convenient way of just updating the href property of the existent list item.

query object
200 OK

OK, list item updated, item data returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list or list item UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace a list item

PUT /lists/{lid}/items/{id}

Tags: Lists

Update and replace the entire metadata record of the current list item. Note that the ID is NOT the index of the item in the list. The index is part of item metadata.


ID of the list.

path object

ID of the element.

path object
200 OK

OK, list item is updated, item data returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The given list or list item UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access the users messages

GET /messages

Tags: Messages

Every user has his own list of messages containing info, warning and error messages of various panels and actions. The messages are stored on server until they expire. This route provides access to the messages. Use property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries and the offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned.


Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=date,-type'

query object
200 OK

OK, list of entries is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

404 Not Found

Mo (matching) messages found

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create new message entry.

POST /messages

Tags: Messages

Creates a new record in the message list and assigns the posted data. The server adds a UUID and a creation date to each entry if not already present.

200 OK

OK, entry created. Entry metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

404 Not Found

The service does not provide messages

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update a message

PATCH /messages/{uuid}

Tags: Messages

Update a message entry. Only data given with the patch will be changed/added; no entries removed. Updating uuid and creation date is prohibited.


ID of the message entry

path object
200 OK

OK, message entry updated, new message returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

404 Not Found

Message not found

409 Conflict

Conflict, message could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve list of UI panels available to the current user

GET /panels

Tags: Panels

The SEAL Operator user interface provides the user with a set of panels to use. A GET call to this route returns a list of user defined panels available to the current user. Use property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries. User-specific configurations can be stored using a POST request; these can also be edited and deleted later.

200 OK

OK, list of UI panel configurations returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

No panels found.

500 Internal Server Error

Intenral Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create a new panel and save its configuration.

POST /panels

Tags: Panels

Users can create new panels and save their configuration under a given name for further use. If the ConfigItem does not contain a "name" key, a name for the configuration will be auto-generated. If the ConfigItem contains a "createpanel" key with value "1", an event is sent to the UI indicating the creation of a new panel with the objective of showing it. If the ConfigItem contains a "taskId" key with the UUID of an existing task as value, a new UI panel will be created and the given task assigned.


User that should own the new panel. The user creating the panel becomes its creator, adding an owner is optional. Owner and creator rights can be managed through roles & rights. User identifiers can be anything, e. g. SAMaccountname or UPN. Must be matched with a claim from the JWT token in order to work in the user interface.

header object
200 OK

OK, configuration was saved. The returned configItem contains the generated ID.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

409 Conflict

Conflict. A panel configuration under the "name" given in the ConfigItem already exists.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete a stored panel configuration

DELETE /panels/{pid}

Tags: Panels

User-specific panel configurations can be delete by a DELETE request to this route.


ID of the panel configuration to remove.

path object
200 OK

OK, panel configuration was deleted, return deleted configuration.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The current user lacks access rights, or is trying to delete a read-only default configuration. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error'

404 Not Found

Panel not found. The given PID is unknown.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve a specific panel configuration

GET /panels/{pid}

Tags: Panels

Returns the configuration for a panel stored by the current user.


ID of the panel

path object
200 OK

OK, configuration returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Panel not found. The given PID is unknown.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Updates a saved panel configuration

PUT /panels/{pid}

Tags: Panels

A PUT request to a panel configuration will replace the entire stored configuration with the one contained in the request body. It is possible to use a different value for the "name" key in order to rename the saved configuration; however, the new name must not be in use. Note that only user-specific panel configurations can be updated.


ID of the panel

path object
200 OK

OK, configuration updated.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The current user lacks access rights, or is trying to update a read-only default configuration. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error'

404 Not Found

Panel not found. The given PID is unknown.

409 Conflict

Conflict. A panel configuration under the "name" given in the ConfigItem already exists.

500 Internal Server Error

Intenral Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Test for documents not actively used in a task

POST /repo/inactives

Tags: Repositories

Filters list of document IDs and returns only documents currently not used in a task in status processing.

200 OK

OK, response contains list of inactive documents

400 Bad Request

Invalid data type in POST request

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Get list of available services

GET /services

Tags: Services

A GET call to this route will return a list of active services currently available through the API.

200 OK

OK, collection of services is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the service list.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include the error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve service metadata

GET /services/{sid}

Tags: Services

A GET call to this route will return metadata of the service.


ID of the service.

path object
200 OK

OK, service metadata is returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the service metadata.

404 Not Found

The requested service was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
List connector-specific functions

GET /services/{sid}/function

Tags: Functions

Services may expose individual functions, e. g. to provide dynamic data for selection lists in UI panels. The function routes are synchronous calls in contrast to the asynchronous commands. This route returns all supported functions of a service.


ID of the service.

path object
200 OK

OK, list of functions is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide functions

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access a service-specific function

POST /services/{sid}/function/{fid}

Tags: Functions

This route triggers a service-specific function and returns the result. The function routes are synchronous calls in contrast to the asynchronous commands.


ID of the repository.

path object

Name of the function to calls

path object

String with a list of function specific parameter as key value pairs. Syntax:

query object
200 OK

OK, function result is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide this function

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access the document repository within a service

GET /services/{sid}/repo

Tags: Repositories

Some services (not all) expose access to documents. All documents available through a service are accessible via the 'repo' route. This route provides access to the repository root collection, containing documents and/or child collections. Use metadata property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries (documents or collections) and the offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned.


ID of the repository.

path object

Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=date,-name'

query object

Set the scope when searching for documents. Possible values are root and all, default is all.

query object

Include sub-resource or sub-collection data in response. "permissions": include access rights records for each entry. "thumb": include base64-encoded thumbnail image for each entry, e. g.

"embedded": {
"content-type": "image/png"
"thumb": "A9cX0..."
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of entries is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service not found or no repository available

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create new entry in the root collection of the repository.

POST /services/{sid}/repo

Tags: Repositories

Creates a new record in the current repository, inside the root collection, and assigns the posted metadata.


ID of the service.

path object

User that should own the new entry. The user creating the entry becomes its creator, adding an owner is optional. Owner and creator rights can be managed through roles & rights. User identifiers can be anything, e. g. SAMaccountname or UPN. Must be matched with a claim from the JWT token in order to work in the user interface.

header object
200 OK

OK, entry created. Entry metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or has no repository

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Launch a repository command

POST /services/{sid}/repo/command

Tags: Repositories

Launches a command in the given repository. Returns a JSON object containing a command ID for tracking status of asynchronous commands.


ID of the service.

path object
200 OK

OK, command started. Command ID will be returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or repository does not support commands.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve a command's status

GET /services/{sid}/repo/command/{cid}

Tags: Repositories

Returns a JSON object containing the status of the command. Command resources are automatically deleted after a final state (success or failure) was delivered once to the client or it is expired.


ID of the service.

path object

ID of the command.

path object
200 OK

OK, status of command resource is returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given command ID was not recognized.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete the entry

DELETE /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Tags: Repositories

Removes the current entry from the repository. This will not only remove the reference within SEAL Operator, but the actual record and content in the target system.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the entry to delete

path object

Delete document even if it is still in use by one or more tasks.

query object
204 No Content

OK, entry was deleted.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden (deletion refused by target system)

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given uuid was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be deleted. Returns collection of tasks using the current document.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve metadata of a repository entry (document or collection).

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Tags: Repositories

Given a 'uuid' parameter, this route retrieves an entry's metadata. The entry may be either a document or a collection.


ID of the service.

path object

ID of the repository entry

path object
200 OK

OK, entry metadata is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given uuid was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update repository entry metadata (partial)

PATCH /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Tags: Repositories

Update the given entry's metadata. Only data given with the patch will be changed/added, no existing entries removed. Internal auto-generated metadata (links, embedded), if given, are ignored.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the entry

path object
200 OK

OK, entry metadata replaced, new metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given uuid was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create a new entry in a collection

POST /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Tags: Repositories

If the entry under the given UUID is a collection, then a POST request to this route will create a new entry in the collection. Whether the created entry will be a document or another collection depends on the metadata enclosed in the request body. See RepoEntry data model.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the collection in which to create a new entry

path object

User that should own the new entry. The user creating the entry becomes its creator, adding an owner is optional. Owner and creator rights can be managed through roles & rights. User identifiers can be anything, e. g. SAMaccountname or UPN. Must be matched with a claim from the JWT token in order to work in the user interface.

header object
200 OK

OK, new entry created, metadata of the entry returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given UUID was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method not allowed. The entry under 'uuid' is not a collection.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace repository entry metadata

PUT /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}

Tags: Repositories

Completely replace the metadata record of the given entry. Only record metadata can be replaced; internal auto-generated metadata (links, embedded), if given, are ignored.


ID of the repository.

path object

UUID of the entry

path object
200 OK

OK, entry metadata replaced, new metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository or the given uuid was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access children of a collection

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/children

Tags: Repositories

Some services (not all) expose access to documents. All documents available through a service are accessible via the 'repo' route. This route provides access to the children of a collection, containing documents and/or collections. Use metadata property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for entries (documents or collections), offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned.


ID of the repository.

path object

UUID of the parent collection

path object

Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=date,-name'

query object

Include sub-resource or sub-collection data in response. "permissions": include access rights records for each entry. "icon": include icon-font and value for each entry, e. g.

"embedded": {
"icon": "material:play"

"thumb": include base64 encoded thumbnail image for each entry, e. g.

"embedded": {
"content-type": "image/png"
"thumb": "A9cX0..."
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of entries is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Not found. Either no entry was found under the given 'uuid', or the entry is not a collection, or the collection has no children (yet). See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete document binary content

DELETE /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Tags: Repositories

Deletes the binary content of a document, leaving metadata only. Note that some repositories will not allow this operation. To delete binary content from such repositories, you will need to delete the entire document. Deleting binary content is not supported by collection type entries.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the document

path object
204 No Content

OK, content was deleted.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to delete the binary content.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository, the given UUID was not found or entry has no content.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method not allowed. Either the entry under 'uuid' is not a document, or it does not support deleting of the binary content. See error message for details.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be deleted. Returns collection of tasks using the current document.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve document binary content

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Tags: Repositories

If the entry under 'uuid' is a document, then this route provides access to the binary content (i. e. the actual file).


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the document

path object
200 OK

OK, content is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to read the binary content.

404 Not Found

Not found. Either no entry was found under the given 'uuid', or the entry is not a document, or the document has no binary content (yet). See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create or update document binary content

PUT /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/content

Tags: Repositories

Upload binary content of a document. Create if none exists, or replace existent file. Uploading binary content to collection type entries is not supported.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the document

path object
204 No Content

OK, content was updated.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to update the binary content.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist, has no repository, the given uuid was not found or entry is not a document.

406 Not Acceptable

Method not allowed. The entry under 'uuid' is not a document, or the document does not support changing of the bianry content.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve preview of a document's binary content

GET /services/{sid}/repo/{uuid}/preview

Tags: Repositories

If the entry under 'uuid' is a document, then this route provides access to the preview content. Collection type entries do not support the preview option.


ID of the service.

path object

UUID of the document

path object
200 OK

OK, preview is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to read the binary content.

404 Not Found

Not found. Either no entry was found under the given 'uuid', or the entry is not a document, or the document has no binary content, or the preview is not created (so far). See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access collection of tasks managed by the service.

GET /services/{sid}/tasks

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to the root collection of known tasks for the current service. Use property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for tasks, e. g. 'metadata.creationDay' to search for the property 'creationDay' stored in the task metadata. Use the offset and limit parameters to control the number of results returned. Use the 'embed' parameter to include information about instances and sub-resources.


ID of the service managing the tasks

path object

Index of first result to return.

query object

Number of results to return. Maximum is 500.

query object

Sort query results. Comma-separated list of property names, prefixed with '-' for descending sort order. Example: 'sort=date,-name'

query object

A document UUID to search for in the input lists of all tasks.

query object

Information about sub-collections and/or sub-resources to include in the response.

  • "metadata": include task metadata.
  • "input": include input list metadata
  • "inputlist": include whole input list
  • "output": include output list metadata
  • "cstats": connector specific job IDs and states
query object

Return a JSON object containing the number of tasks found, according to the query parameters, instead of an array with tasks.

query object
200 OK

OK, collection of tasks or count is returned. Example for count:

count: 0
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, or no (matching) tasks were found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Create a new task

POST /services/{sid}/tasks

Tags: Tasks

Adds a new task to the collection, given metadata is assigned. If JSON data is given in the body, the tasks is created with the given metadata assigned, the tasks input list must be filled after creation. Otherwise, the task is created with default metadata, and its input list is populated with the RList or CSV content given in the request body.


ID of the service managing the new task

path object

User that should own the new task. The user creating the task becomes its creator, adding an owner is optional. Owner and creator rights can be managed through roles & rights. User identifiers can be anything, e. g. SAMaccountname or UPN. Must be matched with a claim from the JWT token in order to work in the user interface.

header object
200 OK

OK, task created. Task metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be created. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete a task

DELETE /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Tags: Tasks

Deletes a task from the collection. This is only possible if the task is not currently active and if the user has sufficient access rights.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task to delete.

path object
204 No Content

OK. Task deleted.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, or the given task UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict. Task cannot be deleted because it is currently active.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve metadata of a task.

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to a Task's root record. The record contains taks metadata (such as parameters controlling it), details are available via sub-resources and sub-collections.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

Embed sub-resources in the response.

  • "input": include list of input documents
  • "output": include list of output documents
query object

Force status update from backend system.

query object
200 OK

OK. Task metadata is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, or the given task uuid was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update task metadata (partial)

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Tags: Tasks

Does a partial update to the Task metadata. Given metadata replaces existing one, or is added to the record if not yet present. No metadata is deleted.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task to update.

path object
200 OK

OK, task is updated and updated metadata returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, or the given task UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace task metadata

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}

Tags: Tasks

A put call to the task root record completely replaces task metadata, but does not affect sub-resources or sub-collections.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task to update.

path object
200 OK

OK, task updated and returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, or the given task uuid was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Trigger an action on a task

POST /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/action

Tags: Tasks

Trigger a new action on the task. Currently supported actions are start, abort, pause and resume.


ID of the service.

path object

ID of the task.

path object
204 No Content

OK, action started.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or actions are not available on this task.

409 Conflict

Conflict, action could not be triggered. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve list of task input items

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to a Task's list of input documents. Input lists of tasks are structure-wise identical with lists in general, they differ in that they are task-internal and hence not available via the /lists route. Input lists can have list-level metadata, and each list item can have metadata as well. A call to this route will provide the list-level metadata and an inventory of the collection. Access input list items via the 'items' sub-collection. Use the 'embed' parameter to include item metadata in the result.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

Use 'embed' to include sub-collection metadata in the result.

  • "items": Include list-item metadata.
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of input list items returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task uuid was not found or the task has no input list.

500 Internal Server Error

Intenral Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update input list metadata (partial)

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Tags: Tasks

Does a partial update to the input list metadata. Given metadata replaces existing one, or is added to the record if not yet present. No metadata is deleted.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task to update.

path object

Use 'embed' to include sub-collection metadata for updating.

  • "items": Include list-item data including indices for reordering.
query object
200 OK

OK, input list updated and returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Append a new item to the input list of the task

POST /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Tags: Tasks

Creates a new entry in the given task's input list. Given metadata is assigned to the new list item.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

URL of the document to add. This is a convenient way of adding a document without constructing a list item first.

query object
200 OK

OK, task input list item created, item data returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace input list metadata

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input

Tags: Tasks

A PUT call to the input list root record completely replaces the list metadata but does not affect any list items.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task to update.

path object
200 OK

OK, input list updated and returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Delete a task input list item

DELETE /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Tags: Tasks

Deletes an item from a task's input list. The deleted ID is permanently orphaned, other list items keep their IDs.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

ID of the input list item to delete

path object
204 No Content

OK, input list item deleted.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list, or just the given list item UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be deleted. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve task item details

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Tags: Tasks

A GET call to this route returns input list item metadata.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

ID of the input list item

path object
200 OK

OK, input list item data returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task uuid was not found or the task has no input list, or just the given list item uuid was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Update a task input list item (partial)

PATCH /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Tags: Tasks

Updates task input list item metadata, replacing present entries and adding missing ones. No metadata is deleted by the patch.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

ID of the task input list item to update

path object
200 OK

OK, task input list item updated. Item data returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list, or just the given list item UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Replace a task input list item

PUT /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/input/{id}

Tags: Tasks

Replaces the task input list item's metadata, including the document reference.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

ID of the input list item

path object
200 OK

OK, list item updated. Item data returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no input list, or just the given list item UUID was not found.

409 Conflict

Conflict, resource could not be updated. See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Access list of task output items

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/output

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to a task's list of output documents. Output lists of tasks have the same structure as lists in general, they differ in that they are task-internal and hence not available via the /lists route. Output lists can have list-level metadata, and each list item can have metadata as well. A call to this route will provide the list-level metadata and an inventory of the collection. Access output list items via the 'items' sub-collection. Use the 'embed' parameter to include item metadata in the result.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

Use 'embed' to include sub-collection metadata in the result.

  • "items": Include list-item metadata.
query object
200 OK

OK, collection of output list items returned

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task UUID was not found or the task has no output list.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve task output list item details

GET /services/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/output/{id}

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to individual task output items.


ID of the service managing the task

path object

ID of the task.

path object

ID of the output list item

path object
200 OK

OK, output list item data returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

Service does not exist or does not provide tasks, the given task uuid was not found or the task has no output list, or just the given list item uuid was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Get session information

GET /sessions

Tags: Sessions

Retrieve number of open sessions of the current user

200 OK

OK, return object with session information

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the service list.

404 Not Found

No sessions available.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve meta-collection of all tasks managed by all services.

GET /tasks

Tags: Tasks

This route provides access to the root collection of known tasks for all services supporting tasks. Use property names and regular expressions in URL query string to search for tasks, e. g. 'metadata.creationDay' to search for the property 'creationDay' stored in the task metadata. Use the 'embed' parameter to include information about instances and sub-ressources. Use the 'inputDocument' parameter to search for a task containing a given document, and use 'inlineCount' to get the number of found tasks.


A document UUID to look for in the input lists of all tasks.

query object

Information about sub-collections and/or sub-resources to include in the response.

  • "metadata": include task metadata.
  • "input": include input lists metadata
  • "inputlist": include whole input lists
  • "output": include output lists metadata
  • "cstats": connector specific job IDs and states
query object

Return a JSON object containing the number of tasks found, according to the query parameters, instead of an array with tasks.

query object
200 OK

OK, collection of tasks or count is returned. Example for count:

count: 0
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

No (matching) tasks found

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve input document content

GET /tasks/{tid}/input/{id}/content

Tags: Tasks

Resolve input document href and return content as octet-stream.


ID of the task.

path object

ID of the task input list item to retrieve

path object
200 OK

OK, content is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to read the binary content.

404 Not Found

Not found. Either no entry was found under the given 'uuid', or the entry is not a document, or the document has no binary content (yet). See error message for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve list of default UI panels available to the user.

GET /ui

Tags: Panels

The SEAL Operator user interface provides the user with a set of default panels to use. A GET call to this route returns a list of panels available to the current user. Default panels cannot be edited or deleted.

200 OK

OK, list of UI panel configurations returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN
Retrieve the default configuration of a UI panel

GET /ui/{pid}

Tags: Panels

A GET call to this route returns a JSON object containing the default configuration of the panel.

pid path object
200 OK

OK, panel configuration is returned.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized (Auth token invalid)

403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The user lacks rights to access the data.

404 Not Found

The panel with the given ID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Application Error


Unexpected error. Please report a bug and include error details.

oauth authN