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SEAL Print Client is ...

... a universal client.

With SEAL Print Client, you can generate output jobs and monitor their states.

... a REST interface with user interface.

The REST interface is available for linking new connectors.

... the replacement of the previous SEAL Systems clients.

SEAL Print Client replaces the NWC, PAD and P2P clients from SEAL Systems.

... integrated in the existent SEAL Systems portfolio.

Via SEAL Print Client, output jobs from DPF, PLOSSYS netdome, PLOSSYS 5 and SAP can be generated.

... secure.

The data transfer with SEAL Operator as server and SEAL Print Client as client is encrypted. SEAL Operator supports user authentication using a standard protocol (OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect).

... flexible.

Customer systems can be connected on request.

This documentation describes SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client

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