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Enable B/W Color Mode

By default, Color and Grayscale are available as color mode in the PLOSSYS 4 panel. If you want to enable the Black & White color mode additionally, customize the panel configuration files for the PLOSSYS 4 panel.

For general information about how to customize the PLOSSYS 4 panel, refer to Customize the Panel

This is how you enable the Black & White color mode additionally:

  1. Unless done, prepare customized panel configuration files panel-<customer_name>.json and settings-<customer_name>.json. For more information, refer to Customize the Panel.

  2. In both customized panel configuration files for the PLOSSYS 4 panel, search for the Color property and extend it by the settings for bw as follows:

      "json_schema": {
        "Color": {
          "type": "string",
          "fillBy": "Capabilities/ColorDefault",
          "default": "bw",
          "description": "Color",
          "widget": "toggle",
          "oneOf": [
              "enum": [
              "description": "color",
              "icon": "format_color_fill"
              "enum": [
              "description": "gray",
              "icon": "format_color_reset"
              "enum": [
              "description": "bw"
          "visibleIf": {
            "Capabilities/Color": [

    Hint - icons

    The icons which can be used for the items in the user interface, such as format_color_fill or format_color_reset in the configuration above, are provided by the Angular framework. For more information, refer to the Internet.

  3. Restart the following services:

    • seal-operator-p4

    • seal-operator-server

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