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Configure Shopping Cart Printing

With shopping cart printing, the user can print from any application on the local workstation via the Windows print dialog directly into SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client. For this, you have to install software (Windows Integration from SEAL Systems) on the local workstation.

Up to Windows Integration 4.2.x, a PowerShell script is used for the interaction with SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client. As of Windows Intergration 4.3.0, the SEAL OP-CLI script shopping-cart is used for this.

For more information about SEAL OP-CLI, refer to the SEAL OP-CLI documentation.

Installation (As of Windows Integration 4.3.0, SEAL OP-CLI Script)

  1. Install SEAL OP-CLI on the local workstation. For more information, refer to the SEAL OP-CLI documentation.

  2. Contact your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems in order to get Windows Integration version 4.3.0 or higher.

  3. Copy the Windows Integration installation files to any directory on the local workstation on which you want to use shopping cart printing.

    Hint - no blanks

    The path of the directory with the installation files must not contain blanks! Otherwise, the installation script will fail.

  4. Edit the following file:

  5. Search for the SERVERNAME key and specify the name of the SEAL Operator server, <operator_server>, there. Specify only the server name without URL or port number here.

  6. With the SPC_INSTALLDIR key, specify the installation directory unless SEAL OP-CLI has been installed in the <windows_integration_install_dir>\install\wd\ directory.

  7. With the CLIENT_ID key, specify the client ID unless the default client ID is used. The value is used with the --auth-client-id parameter in the call of the SEAL OP-CLI script shopping-cart.

  8. With the CLIENT_SECRET key, specify the client secret unless the default client secret is used. The value is used with the --auth-client-secret parameter in the call of the SEAL OP-CLI script shopping-cart.

    hint - defaults

    The defaults for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET are the values specified in the SEAL-specific Keycloak installation. For more information, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

    hint - environment variables

    CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET can also be specified as environment variables. For more information, refer to Configure the OIDC Settings.

    hint - AUTH_ISSUER_URL environment variable

    For reducing the network load a bit, specify the issuer URL with the AUTH_ISSUER_URL environment variable. If it is specified, SEAL OP-CLI will not request the URL from SEAL Operator with each call.

  9. With the LOGLEVEL key, specify the log level. The value is used with the --loglevel parameter in the call of the SEAL OP-CLI script shopping-cart. For the available values, refer to LOG_LEVEL.

  10. Save the file.

  11. Open a Command Prompt (Administrator), change to <windows_integration_install_dir>\install\wd\ and execute the following script:


    As result, the SEAL Master Driver and two printers for shopping cart printing are installed on the local workstation. The SPC Office Dialog printer is for small-sized MS Office documents in formats such as DIN A4 or letter and the SPC CAD Dialog printer for larger documents in formats such as DIN A0, ANSI E or larger.

  12. In the OIDC identity provider, configure the URLs for the redirection containing the server name, <operator_server>. If Keycloak is used as OIDC identity provider, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation for this.

    hint - standard specification of Valid Redirect URIs in Keycloak

    For the seal-print-client client:

    • https://localhost:3000/*

    • https://<operator_server>:3000/*

    For the seal-opcli client:

    • https://localhost:1234/*

When printing a document over one of the installed shopping cart printers, the document is uploaded into the My Documents panel and, unless already existent, the PLOSSYS Pool panel is generated containing the document. If the panel already exists, the document is added to the list in the panel.

Hint - test before integration

If SEAL OP-CLI has been misconfigured, for example, when the OIDC configuration is not valid, the call of SEAL OP-CLI might not terminate. In the shell, you can abort it by pressing Ctrl-C.

If SEAL OP-CLI is called within Windows Integration (WD), the job is displayed as erroneous in the queue but cannot be deleted from there. For aborting the SEAL OP-CLI, the Node process belonging to the SEAL OP-CLI call has to be killed manually in the process list via Task Manager.

Call a SEAL OP-CLI script in the shell before integration. This way, you ensure that the configuration of SEAL OP-CLI is correct.

Hint - log and error messages

SEAL OP-CLI writes all messages to stderr and the result in JSON format to stdout. In order to redirect the messages and the result to file (s), expand the script call in the following script:


For appending the log messages to a file, expand the call as follows:

"%~dp0..\node.exe" "--no-warnings" "%~dp0..\bin\opcli" %* 2>> %TEMP%\opcli-shopping-cart.log

For appending the log messages and the result to a file, expand the call as follows:

"%~dp0..\node.exe" "--no-warnings" "%~dp0..\bin\opcli" %* 2>> %TEMP%\opcli-shopping-cart.log 2>&1

For appending the log message to a file and writing the result in another file without appending, expand the call as follows:

"%~dp0..\node.exe" "--no-warnings" "%~dp0..\bin\opcli" %* 2>> %TEMP%\opcli-shopping-cart.log 1> %TEMP%\opcli-shopping-cart.json

Hint - Show window deactivated

In order to avoid that an extra window is opened for the messages output to stdout and stderr, Show window in the port monitor dialog has been deactivated.

Installation (Up to Windows Integration 4.2.x, PowerShell Script)

  1. Contact your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems in order to get Windows Integration version 4.2.x.

  2. Copy the Windows Integration installation files to any directory on the local workstation on which you want to use shopping cart printing.

    Hint - no blanks

    The path of the directory with the installation files must not contain blanks! Otherwise, the installation script will fail.

  3. Edit the following file:

  4. Search for the SERVERNAME key and specify the name of the SEAL Operator server, <operator_server>, there. Specify only the server name without URL or port number here.

  5. Save the file.

  6. Open a Command Prompt (Administrator), change to <windows_integration_install_dir>\install\wd\ and execute the following script:


    As result, the SEAL Master Driver and two printers for shopping cart printing are installed on the local workstation. The SPC Office Dialog printer is for small-sized MS Office documents in formats such as DIN A4 or letter and the SPC CAD Dialog printer for larger documents in formats such as DIN A0, ANSI E or larger.

  7. In the OIDC identity provider, configure a URL for the redirection containing the server name, <operator_server>, configured above if necessary. If Keycloak is used as OIDC identity provider, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation for this.

When printing a document over one of the installed shopping cart printers, the document is uploaded into the My Documents panel and, unless already existent, the PLOSSYS 4 Pool panel is generated containing the document. If the panel already exists, the document is added to the list in the panel.

Hint - logfile

Messages concerning the shopping cart printing are logged into the following file on the local workstation:

<user_home_directory>\AppData\Roaming\SEAL Systems\Operator\log\sealmon2operator.log

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