SEAL Systems recommends installing SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client on a separate server and not on the server of the backend system. Also, SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client should not be installed on the management server on which easyPRIMA and Elastic Stack are running as another version of MongoDB is installed there.
Hint - active virus scanner
An active virus scanner may slow down the installation.
Server Requirements¶
For installing SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client, a user account with local Administrator privileges is required. By default, the SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client services are running under the
Local Service
system account. -
No DNS server is active on the server.
"Microsoft C++ 2015" Runtime is installed on the server.
Hint - installation package
The installation packages for "Microsoft C++ 2015" Runtime are available on the SEAL Systems delivery platform in the msvc2015 directory.
A Java Runtime Environment version 8 has been installed on the server. For how to install Java and set the required environment variables, refer to SEAL Online Service.
An OIDC identity provider is installed. A preconfigured Keycloak identity provider is provided by SEAL Systems for test purposes. In practice, another OIDC identity provider already installed at the customer's will be used for the user authentication and authorization. For more information about Keycloak or another OIDC identity provider to be used with SEAL Systems products, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.
MongoDB as of version 3.6.17 has to be installed.
Hint - separate installation
As of SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client 1.3.0, MongoDB is no longer included in the installation of SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client. For how to install and configure MongoDB, refer to the SEAL-specific MongoDB documentation.
If you want to manage SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client services via Operator CLI, privileges for executing PowerShell scripts are required. With the installation, the privileges are also required but can be specified explicitly than. The execution policy has to be set to
at least. For more information about execution policies, refer to the Microsoft documentation. For setting the execution policy, open a PowerShell (Administrator) and execute the following command:Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Hint - impermanent
The execution policy might be overwritten by a group policy.
Next Step¶
Continue with: Install SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client